Summer 2016
This video captures the essence of our summer program in 2016. The team did some really great work and built the second iteration of the map exhibit for the St. Louis Science Center Grow exhibit, due to open this year. Some of them were also able to contribute to some real customer projects. A great group! Here is a video about last summer’s program:
Summer 2015

In the summer of 2015, we hired two second year interns and five first year interns. We also held our second annual intern hackathon that was a great success. The team built two applications of note.The first was an inventory and donation tracking app for a local non-profit. The other was an application for the St. Louis Science Center’s new Grow gallery set to open in the summer of 2016. Here is a video about last summer’s program:
Summer 2014

In the summer of 2014, we hired three second year interns and four first year interns. We also held our first intern hackathon that was a great success. Here is a video about last summer’s program:
Summer 2013

In the summer of 2013, we had an abundance of projects suitable for intern work, so we “went big” and hired nine interns. Here is a video about their work:
Summer 2012

In the summer of 2012, we hired three interns to build a mobile web application and learn a bunch in the process. Here is their story, in video form:
Summer 2011
Our program started in the summer of 2011 with one intern.